Thursday, July 19, 2012

Books or Ebooks?

Among readers there is always the huge discussion of whether you should read a real book or an ebook. There are many people with their own opinions. 

I personally like to use both. There is nothing like holding a real book in your hands and being able to smell the pages. I am definitely one of those people that like to bend down the pages to hold my spot, or even fold back the cover as I read. Nothing like a book looking nice and used. Usually, the rougher the shape of the book, the better it was. BUT... when you get into the bind where you are reading like 3 books at a time and are getting ready to travel... you can not deny it is a hassle to try and pack them all along with everything else. 

Ebook devices (kindle, nook, etc.) make it easy to bring all of your books with you so that you do not have to worry about taking up tons of luggage space and at the same time still having more to read if you finish the other ones you were reading. Also, you can not deny that a new ebook is quite cheaper than a brand new released hardback book. Lets be honest. 

But in the end... no matter how many books I have bought on my kindle, I still have my dream of having my own personal library in my house one day. One that is so full, you have to have those rolling ladders attached to the book shelves. Like this..

What do you prefer? 


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